May 8-9, 2018 | New York, NY
New York Hilton Midtown

Thanks for another great year in New York. Mark you calendar for Streaming Media East 2019 happening May 7-8, 2019 at the Hilton New York Midtown.


The World's Leading Streaming Media Conference

今年五月,走出日常的执行模式,加入我们为期三天的实用建议, inspiring thought leadership, and in-depth training. Join more than 1000 of your peers to learn, share, 并庆祝塑造数字媒体未来的颠覆性趋势. 看看在线视频的世界将走向何方,以及如何率先到达那里.

At Streaming Media East 2018, 您将听到世界领先组织在直播中部署的创新方法, OTT, enterprise and educational video, encoding and transcoding, next-gen TV, VR video, video production, content delivery, content monetization, and much more. 无论您是对新业务战略和趋势或生产感兴趣的高管或经理, IT, or engineering professional from the technical side, 你会发现你所有的基地都覆盖在流媒体东部.

你可以期待带着新朋友和商业盟友离开流媒体东方,并为你的业务发展提供可行的建议和策略. 今年5月,请加入我们在纽约的行列,享受这个改变职业和组织的机会.

ATTENTION ALL ATTENDEES: 参加闭幕主题演讲,有机会赢得价值超过3美元的LiveU Solo和SlingStudio奖品包,500, courtesy of LiveU. Must be present to win! Learn more.


Featured Speakers

Find your tribe & learn from them

二十年来,流媒体一直是参与在线视频的专业人士的头号聚集地. Over the past 20 years, attendees, speakers, 以及流媒体东部的赞助商每年会面一次,帮助建立, develop, and educate a market. 流媒体仍然是与同行建立联系并向该领域的领导者和创新者学习的地方. Whether you are from broadcasting and cable, media and entertainment, education, IT, sports, advertising, telco, or any other industry involved in online video, you’ll find your niche at Streaming Media East in NYC.

1000+ attendees

与纽约志同道合的专业人士联系,了解与所有类型的流媒体应用程序相关的技术和策略. 利用这个机会和你的同事交流,从他们的成功和失败中学习.

100+ speakers

流媒体会议吸引了业内最优秀、最聪明的人. Hear from the leading analysts and brands in the world, innovative startups, 以及来自各种独特组织的主要从业人员和管理人员.

40+ solutions

满足您所有流媒体需求的顶级技术和解决方案都在我们的展览楼层展出. Take this opportunity to be dazzled by new tech, 你可以在哪里有效地比较和对比这个独特的解决方案, one-of-a-kind environment.

Who Should Attend


  • Entertainment, media, and sports video CEOs and CTOs
  • Broadcaster, telco, MSO, and MVPD executives
  • Advertising and web marketers and agency executives
  • Live streaming producers and engineers
  • Video engineers, developers, and IT professionals
  • Video delivery network architects
  • Independent content creators and studio executives
  • Social video producers, strategists, & YouTube creators
  • Analysts, investors, and venture capitalists
  • Enterprise video and technology professionals
  • Education and training video experts
  • Worship video producers and coordinators
  • Streaming media industry professionals
  • Streaming Media East is for YOU!

View a Sample List of Our 2018 Attendees

Tracks & Special Events

Business and Strategy Track

Created for CEOs, CSOs, media strategists, 和业务开发主管:这是您在流媒体东部的家. 这个前瞻性的轨道提供高层次的战略讨论,你可以学习最好的在线视频经济的发展方向.

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Technology and How-to Track

专为想要解决方案的首席技术官、工程师和开发人员而创建. 视频生态系统是平台和设备的碎片化组合:向专业人士学习如何消除瓶颈并交付结果.

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本课程将探讨这个美丽新世界的技术、金融和伦理含义. Don’t get left behind! 你会对如何使你的整个操作更聪明有更深的理解, faster, and more profitable.

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Discovery Track

在这方面的会议是教育和演讲,通常侧重于产品和客户案例研究, 提供一个很好的机会来了解更多关于特定技术或供应商的信息. 开放给所有与会者和发现通行证持有人.

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Video Marketing Power Summit

视频营销力量峰会是一个为期一天的会议,我们将探讨广告商和出版商面临的障碍, 提供接触消费者的策略, work, and shop. 

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Content Delivery Summit Logo

内容交付峰会是一个为期一天的会议,汇集了运营商, telcos, ISPs, 以及高级内容所有者,详细了解用于交付和加速web内容的技术和平台.

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Live Streaming Summit Logo

直播峰会专注于在多屏幕上提供大型直播活动和直播线性渠道所固有的挑战和机遇. 会议将解决现场视频工作流程的每一步, including ingestion, transcoding, management, protection, distribution, analytics, and post-event evaluation.

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Streaming Media University Logo

流媒体大学拥有世界一流的专家,提供内容丰富的培训. 流媒体东2018系列研讨会为与会者提供了深入了解在线视频和流媒体技术的机会,并提供了良好的理论和实践技术,成为在线视频领域的佼佼者.

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"For newbies who are just entering the industry, 流媒体东部的价值在于,有很多很棒的研讨会和小组讨论,你可以沉浸在这个行业中,并很快了解它. 对于在这个行业工作了很长时间的人来说, it's a great opportunity to network, 还可以与合作伙伴和客户保持联系,结识同行."
- Alex Zambelli, Hulu

"This has been such an incredible show. I've been coming to Streaming Media for 3 or 4 years now, and this has got to be one of my best years. 今天与我交谈的人以及我在这里得到的信息确实改变了我对公司的看法."
- Dave Rosen, Absolute Live Productions

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